Dark Armor

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It matters not, what has changed nor what I'll become
Or the stains of ashes from dark greyed wings
If you should beckon this simple knight
That, beyond the boundaries of life and death
I shall rise again from a thousand deaths...
If only to die a thousand more...


You've fine now?
My purpose is over?
I can go right?
While I still can...

a tattered and torn shield.
the decision of white wings...


1st! ish...

Although, not 'technically' my first post, it is my first relevant post after deciding what I'll use this blog for... as I has many blogs in different places for different things.

This has ultimately become my Art/Photo blog... the problem herein lies... I'm too lazy to take photo's right now... so EVENTUALLY this will also serve as a photoblog lol

So yeah, here's a little something to kick things off, I'd thought I try something different, well not really different, but I'm gonna try and go draw pictures based on songs that I hear/like/listen to.

So without further adieu


Could you guess what it was?
probably not eh? lol
Relient K - Must have done something right

I have a few more songs I want to do this to, but not all of them make it easy for me
although I do like how this piece turned out =3

rarw, until the next random update!

I has a blog!

I don't know what to blogs yet! D:
I'm sure I'll use this blogger mabop to post certain things... I just don't know what yet D:
D: D: D: D:
until then... until then...


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